Source code for RsCmwWlanMeas.Implementations.MultiEval.PowerVsTime.RisingEdge.Average

from .....Internal.Core import Core
from .....Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .....Internal.StructBase import StructBase
from .....Internal.ArgStruct import ArgStruct
from ..... import enums

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs] class AverageCls: """Average commands group definition. 3 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 3 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("average", core, parent) # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] class CalculateStruct(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliability: int: decimal 'Reliability indicator' - Power: enums.ResultStatus2: float Range: 0 µs to 10 µs, Unit: μs - Out_Of_Tol: enums.ResultStatus2: float Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals of the statistic count for PVT measurements exceeding the specified power limit Range: 0 % to 100 % , Unit: %""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliability', 'Reliability'), ArgStruct.scalar_enum('Power', enums.ResultStatus2), ArgStruct.scalar_enum('Out_Of_Tol', enums.ResultStatus2)] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliability: int = None self.Power: enums.ResultStatus2 = None self.Out_Of_Tol: enums.ResultStatus2 = None
[docs] def calculate(self) -> CalculateStruct: """SCPI: CALCulate:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:PVTime:REDGe:AVERage \n Snippet: value: CalculateStruct = driver.multiEval.powerVsTime.risingEdge.average.calculate() \n Returns the current, average and maximum ramp durations of the power vs time measurement, for the falling edge (FEDGe) and rising edge (REDGe) . The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for CalculateStruct structure arguments.""" return'CALCulate:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:PVTime:REDGe:AVERage?', self.__class__.CalculateStruct())
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] class ResultData(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliability: int: decimal 'Reliability indicator' - Power: float: float Range: 0 µs to 10 µs, Unit: μs - Out_Of_Tol: float: float Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals of the statistic count for PVT measurements exceeding the specified power limit Range: 0 % to 100 % , Unit: %""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliability', 'Reliability'), ArgStruct.scalar_float('Power'), ArgStruct.scalar_float('Out_Of_Tol')] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliability: int = None self.Power: float = None self.Out_Of_Tol: float = None
[docs] def read(self) -> ResultData: """SCPI: READ:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:PVTime:REDGe:AVERage \n Snippet: value: ResultData = \n Returns the current, average and maximum ramp durations of the power vs time measurement, for the falling edge (FEDGe) and rising edge (REDGe) . The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.""" return'READ:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:PVTime:REDGe:AVERage?', self.__class__.ResultData())
[docs] def fetch(self) -> ResultData: """SCPI: FETCh:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:PVTime:REDGe:AVERage \n Snippet: value: ResultData = driver.multiEval.powerVsTime.risingEdge.average.fetch() \n Returns the current, average and maximum ramp durations of the power vs time measurement, for the falling edge (FEDGe) and rising edge (REDGe) . The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.""" return'FETCh:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:PVTime:REDGe:AVERage?', self.__class__.ResultData())