Source code for RsCmwWlanMeas.Implementations.MultiEval.TsMask.Frequency.Maximum

from typing import List

from .....Internal.Core import Core
from .....Internal.CommandsGroup import CommandsGroup
from .....Internal.Types import DataType
from .....Internal.StructBase import StructBase
from .....Internal.ArgStruct import ArgStruct
from ..... import enums

# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyAttributeOutsideInit,SpellCheckingInspection
[docs] class MaximumCls: """Maximum commands group definition. 3 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 3 group commands""" def __init__(self, core: Core, parent): self._core = core self._cmd_group = CommandsGroup("maximum", core, parent) # noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] class ResultData(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliability: int: decimal 'Reliability indicator' - Out_Of_Tol: float: float Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals of the statistic count for spectrum emission measurements exceeding the specified transmit spectrum mask limits. Range: 0 % to 100 % , Unit: % - Margin_Xvals: List[float]: float Comma-separated list of frequencies, one value per margin The number of margins equals the number of spectrum mask areas and depends on the selected standard, see Table 'Spectrum mask areas'. Range: -40 MHz to 40 MHz, Unit: Hz""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliability', 'Reliability'), ArgStruct.scalar_float('Out_Of_Tol'), ArgStruct('Margin_Xvals', DataType.FloatList, None, False, True, 1)] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliability: int = None self.Out_Of_Tol: float = None self.Margin_Xvals: List[float] = None
[docs] def read(self) -> ResultData: """SCPI: READ:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:FREQuency:MAXimum \n Snippet: value: ResultData = \n Return the X-positions of the limit line margins of the transmit spectrum mask. For MIMO measurements, antenna/stream number <n>, bandwidths with one segment. Positions for the current, average, minimum and maximum traces are returned. The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.""" return'READ:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:FREQuency:MAXimum?', self.__class__.ResultData())
[docs] def fetch(self) -> ResultData: """SCPI: FETCh:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:FREQuency:MAXimum \n Snippet: value: ResultData = driver.multiEval.tsMask.frequency.maximum.fetch() \n Return the X-positions of the limit line margins of the transmit spectrum mask. For MIMO measurements, antenna/stream number <n>, bandwidths with one segment. Positions for the current, average, minimum and maximum traces are returned. The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for ResultData structure arguments.""" return'FETCh:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:FREQuency:MAXimum?', self.__class__.ResultData())
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
[docs] class CalculateStruct(StructBase): """Response structure. Fields: \n - Reliability: int: decimal 'Reliability indicator' - Out_Of_Tol: enums.ResultStatus2: float Out of tolerance result, i.e. percentage of measurement intervals of the statistic count for spectrum emission measurements exceeding the specified transmit spectrum mask limits. Range: 0 % to 100 % , Unit: % - Margin_Xvals: List[enums.ResultStatus2]: float Comma-separated list of frequencies, one value per margin The number of margins equals the number of spectrum mask areas and depends on the selected standard, see Table 'Spectrum mask areas'. Range: -40 MHz to 40 MHz, Unit: Hz""" __meta_args_list = [ ArgStruct.scalar_int('Reliability', 'Reliability'), ArgStruct.scalar_enum('Out_Of_Tol', enums.ResultStatus2), ArgStruct('Margin_Xvals', DataType.EnumList, enums.ResultStatus2, False, True, 1)] def __init__(self): StructBase.__init__(self, self) self.Reliability: int = None self.Out_Of_Tol: enums.ResultStatus2 = None self.Margin_Xvals: List[enums.ResultStatus2] = None
[docs] def calculate(self) -> CalculateStruct: """SCPI: CALCulate:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:FREQuency:MAXimum \n Snippet: value: CalculateStruct = driver.multiEval.tsMask.frequency.maximum.calculate() \n Return the X-positions of the limit line margins of the transmit spectrum mask. For MIMO measurements, antenna/stream number <n>, bandwidths with one segment. Positions for the current, average, minimum and maximum traces are returned. The values described below are returned by FETCh and READ commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below. \n :return: structure: for return value, see the help for CalculateStruct structure arguments.""" return'CALCulate:WLAN:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:TSMask:FREQuency:MAXimum?', self.__class__.CalculateStruct())